5 reasons to get your blog on

Blog, blog and blog some more. Why does everyone say that you need to be blogging for your business? Well, maybe because you do. Blogging frequently is a relatively easy, inexpensive way to build up your SEO keyword content, drive traffic to your site, and attract more prospective customers.

Bellaworks Tip:  When you hear the word “blog,” do you picture a lady in her pj’s writing stories about her cats?  If so, consider giving your blog a more professional tone by titling it “news” or “happening now.”

Need more convincing?  Take a look at these five reasons to blog cited by openvine.com.


The truth is that with minimal effort or expense, having a blog can help you build credibility, boost search engine rankings, and increase website traffic — which all aid in gaining potential clients and maintaining your current ones.

Keep in mind that the possibilities of what you can post on your blog are endless. Share articles, videos, pictures or write your own entries pulling straight from your professional experiences.  Now get out there and start blogging!

Need help getting started or ideas for content?  Contact us.