7 Reasons why your business needs a website

Your website is an important part of your business. Think of it as a virtual storefront and a place where potential customers can see what you have to offer, what your company stands for, and what you have coming up in the future. According to a study by the Local Search Association, a whopping 63% of consumers look for businesses online before deciding to buy from them, yet a third of small businesses don’t even have a website. 

If you are one of those small business owners who haven’t gotten around to creating — or hiring someone to create — your website, here are seven reasons why you should get a website going as soon as possible.

1. Having a social media presence is not enough.

While we recommend that you use social media to promote your business, the goal should always be to drive traffic back to your website. Social media offers little control over branding and messaging, while your website is completely customizable, giving customers an immersive experience of your brand. Your website is where they can learn about your company and make purchases. The social media landscape is constantly changing, but your website is a constant.

2. Control your company’s message and persona.

As we alluded to in our first point, you can’t control what social media platforms and their algorithms do. You have no control over what people say about your business, either. On your website, you can post positive testimonials, photos of happy customers using your product or service, and highlight specific features or offers.

3. Get a leg up on your competition. 

Consumers expect businesses to have a website and in a world where we are overwhelmed by choice, it’s even more important to have a place where people can learn about what makes your service or product different than all the others out there. A website can make your business look more professional and gives it more credibility than competitors who don’t have one.

4. Make it easy for customers to find you.

Whether you’re a brick-and-mortar business or primarily based online, having a website allows new customers to find you (especially if you have a marketing strategy in place!), current customers to make more purchases, and brand advocates to spread the word to their friends and family. Take it a step further and optimize your site for SEO, content, and mobile navigation and you’ll make it even easier for customers to find — and buy —from you!

5. Educate your customers.

It doesn’t matter if you are selling some as self-explanatory as sunglasses or something more obscure like an experience or service, a blog is a great way to educate your customers and provide them information that could make your offering more valuable. Using the sunglasses example, you could have a page dedicated to FAQs: What are polarized lenses? How important is UV protection? If you’re an Italian restaurant, your blog could include recipes, the story of where your pasta sauce originated, methods for making certain foods, etc. Every small business has something they could educate their audience around.

6. Save yourself time.

Using your website as a central place to have your contact/location information, product information, FAQs, guides, or how-tos (and more) not only makes it easier to get sales but saves you time on the phone or responding to emails.

7. Attract potential employees.

Just as your website acts as a storefront for potential customers, it is also a place for potential employees to learn more about your business. Besides having a specific page dedicated to careers or job openings, potential candidates can learn about your company background, culture, and values — before they apply. This will weed out candidates that might not be a good fit and help you attract more qualified job seekers.

Creating a website that will attract customers and boost sales doesn’t have to be difficult and doesn’t have to break the bank. Tell us a little more about your website needs and get a quote here.